Render Makes Cloning Your Digital Likeness Easy
The industry's only end-to-end provider


Hair and Makeup

Your avatar will only look as good as you do on camera.  We have full hair and makeup services available at all studio dates - so don't sweat it!


Video Training

We only need five takes of a short script on teleprompter.  Our director will coach you through the process to ensure your training footage is perfect.


Voice Clone

Then we do about twenty minutes of high quality audio recording together. This content is used to train Voice AI software to match your actual voice.


Approve Footage

Within a week of your shoot, we will send you an approval deck so you can see the training footage before it is used to generate your Digital Likeness.

Get Ready

Render is the industry leader in custom avatar production and voice clone services.  We believe the process of creating your Digital Likeness is a thoughtful and fun experience for each individual.

Hear about the process from one of our customers... or something like that.


696 Pine Street
Burlington, VT 05401


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